Purple Velvet

by James Overesch
Purple Velvet
James Overesch
Photograph - Photograph
The biggest free roaming whitetail I've ever seen. When I originally saw him he was with three other comparable bucks, but this one was by far the biggest and who's antlers seemed perfectly symmetrical. I was able to watch them from about 100 yards away as they fed on a small berry bush, but then I realized they were gonna walk uphill into a clearing about 70 yards to my North. As they started to make their way uphill I waited for them to disappear into the thick cover of some hardwood forest. I then walked rather quickly, trying to keep the noise of the dry field beneath my boots from crunching too loudly. I made my way into the clearing about 30 yards and crouched down behind the only small tree I could find. Luckily it was a dwarf pine that gave me a little more camouflage, and then... I waited. I started to get disappointed because it felt like 10 min had gone by and they easily should have shown themselves by now. Thoughts of, "did they take a different route?," or "was I not as sneaky as I thought I was?" started to take over my thoughts. These were the biggest, most fascinating deer I had ever seen, but just as I was about to give up, one by one they started to show themselves; and almost all of them stopped right in the middle of the clearing to give me the perfect picture. I was in awe. I still can't believe how that situation played out and its by far the best experience photographing whitetail deer that I've ever have. Here's to hoping I see this guy again in the days ahead.
August 27th, 2020